Bullying + Harassment

At work situations often arise where one individual is singled out for unpleasant treatment. Sometimes this is at the hands of more than one person. On other occasions the employer is complicit in terms of not doing enough to stop the unpleasant treatment from taking place.  

Employers have a duty of care to their staff to stop this from occurring and reasonable steps to include training should be made available to those that could be involved.

In the event there is a failure to protect the staff, employees have certain rights in terms of not being bullied or harassed as part of an act of discrimination. They also have the option of resigning and pursuing claims for Constructive Dismissal. In particularly unpleasant scenarios criminal proceedings could also be contemplated in the event there is breach of the Protections from Harassment Act 1997.

If you feel that you are being bullied at work or there is a situation within your business upon which you feel you should be taking advice, please do not hesitate to contact us for an initial free 30 minute consultation.

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