Flexible Working

Any employee can make a flexible working request if they have worked continuously for 26 weeks. Any employer on receipt of such a request must deal with flexible working requests reasonably and within a reasonable time period.

Working flexibly might include changing the number of hours an employee works each week or changing the way they work. Patterns of flexible working include :-

  • Working part-time
  • Job sharing
  • Home working
  • Working compressed hours

An employee is only entitled to make a request for flexible working. There are various reasons why a request can be rejected to include the burden of additional costs and an inability to reorganise work amongst other staff. However, it is most important that each request is considered properly through an appropriate procedure which would include a right to an appeal.

If you wish to make or you have received a request for flexible working please do not hesitate to contact us for a free 30 minute consultation.

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